(pronounced duh-rin)
I’m a hair-puller and a hairstylist - the Trichotillomania Hairstylist. I’ve been living every day of the past 25 years with Trichotillomania, the hair-pulling disorder.
I haven’t always loved my trichotillomania and hair loss.
My journey with trichotillomania began over 25 years ago when I started pulling out my eyelashes and eyebrows at age 4. A few years later, my hands moved to my left hairline. With that, the number of hairs I pulled increased exponentially.
In my teens, if you even mentioned the word “hair” around me, I’d flinch and change the conversation. Wanting nothing more than to stop pulling, I tried everything from doctors and meds to fidget toys and hair pulling journals. Nothing worked - my bald spots only got bigger and bigger, as did the headbands and toppers I wore everyday to cover up those growing spots.
Slowly, I decided I no longer wanted to live my life feeling defined by my deepest, darkest secret - my trichotillomania. Even more, I didn’t want others to feel defined by their own experience with hair loss.
In 2016, I quit my first job out of college and joined the beauty industry to support those with trichotillomania and spread awareness about it and other hair disorders. Today, I am a hairstylist at Élan Hair Studio, a salon specializing in hair loss solutions, in Houston, TX. Behind the chair, I strive to provide each of my clients - men, women, and children - with a safe space to begin taking control of their hair loss journey.
My life changed for the better when I could wake up feeling confident about my hair and my hair loss. I want to help others who are struggling to feel the same.
I am now on a journey of acceptance and self-compassion; I’m learning to love my trichotillomania, my hair (or lack thereof), and most importantly, myself. Yes, I still pull out my hair everyday (actually, I haven’t had a pull-free day in years), but I’m ok with that! I no longer live my life wishing for a day without trichotillomania, because I love my life NOW with trichotillomania.
I’m passionate about helping people accept, love, and own their hair story. If I can learn to love my hair loss then so can you!
I’m here to be your biggest cheerleader on your journey to loving your hair loss!
I shaved my head.
Yes - after over 25 years with Trichotillomania, I still pull out my hair. There were times in my life when hearing that I may never stop pulling would've tear me apart and made me so ashamed, but I'm happy to say that that version of me no longer exists. I have worked hard to have a healthy relationship with my trichotillomania and my hair, and I hope the same for fellow trichsters. If there's one thing I wish I could have told my younger self, it would be this - even if you never stop pulling your hair out, you can still live a very happy life.
I got my first hair piece (a mesh-integrated topper) in 2010. After years of covering up my bald spots with headbands, bandanas, and comb-overs, my mom took me to a hairstylist to get my first hair piece. 14 years later, I can honestly say my life changed for the better when I started wearing hair.
Ooh this is a tough one! I've never had a hair piece that I've disliked - they've all been special to me for one reason or another. From my mesh-integrated topper to my redhead wigs to my CNC Hair, they all have a special place in my heart. I generally love my newest hair piece the most, and right now that's my CCNC Hair cut into a blunt bob.
Yes! I work with non-local clients all the time. I am located in Houston, TX, but if that is not local for you, our salon offers free virtual and in-person consultations. Head on over to the New Clients page to fill out a new client questionnaire whenever you are ready!