Dorin Azérad

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The Only New Year's Resolution You Need

Happy New Years, Friends!

This time of year, I’m making a list and checking it twice. Not my gift list, my list of resolutions for the upcoming year. 

Last year, I shared with y’all that my 2018 New Year’s resolution was to stop pulling out my eyelashes. I ended 2018 with fewer lashes than when I started. For years, I promised myself this was going to be my last year of hair pulling. Every year, I ended up disappointed - judging myself for another year of “failure.”

Many trichsters, myself included, use New Year’s resolutions, birthday wishes, and shooting stars as moments of hope to tell ourselves, “I’m going to stop pulling my hair out.”

But what we’re really telling ourselves is, “I don’t like myself, because I pull my hair out.” I fed myself this message of non-acceptance for years. Constantly sitting in a place of disappointment and judgment, because I hadn’t fulfilled my promise to myself.

2019 will be different, but not because it will be the year I end my trichotillomania. For 2019, I am no longer vowing to stop pulling out my hair, and I invite all of my hair-pulling friends to join me! 

2019 will not be the year we define ourselves by the hairs we pull or the disorder we have.

This is the year we define ourselves by our intelligence, our quick wit, our smile, our compassion for others, and our compassion for ourselves. This year we define ourselves by the way we treat ourselves, and the value we bring to the people around us!

For more posts about my eyelash journey:

Why I’m Revisiting My Resolutions

(Eye)Lashing Out During Allergy Season