5 Questions to Ask Your Hairstylist If You Have Hair Loss

Your hair appointment is more than just a haircut and casual conversation about you - you need to know how you can make sure your hair is the healthiest and happiest it’s ever been. Use these questions to get the conversation started, so that you can leave the salon chair on a journey to your best hair. 

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Raising a Child with Trichotillomania - Conversations with My Mom, Pt. 2 (Evolving Parenting Styles)

The second part in a series about what it was like to parent a child with trichotillomania. This week is all about lessons learned as a parent of a child with special needs, and how my mom's parenting styling has evolved over the years.

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Stop Comparing Hair Loss

Growing up with trichotillomania, I had no idea so many women were unhappy with their hair. Call it naïveté or maybe even jealousy, but I couldn't imagine that women who didn't suffer from trich or alopecia had anything to complain about. 

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