Hair Pulling During COVID-19
Within the past month, I have spent hours upon hours pulling out one hair after another. Although I’ve landed at a healthier mindset when it come to my hair pulling and subsequent hair loss, I’d be lying if I told you it’s been easy looking at all my new bald spots.
Finding My Community at BFRBCon
This weekend at The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior (BFRB)’s annual conference, I pulled out an eyelash in a room filled with other hair pullers…
How to Protect Your Hair This Summer
Summer is officially in full effect! By now, we've all perfected our summer sunscreen routine. But what about our hair?
5 Questions to Ask Your Hairstylist If You Have Hair Loss
Your hair appointment is more than just a haircut and casual conversation about you - you need to know how you can make sure your hair is the healthiest and happiest it’s ever been. Use these questions to get the conversation started, so that you can leave the salon chair on a journey to your best hair.
Raising a Child with Trichotillomania - Conversations with My Mom, Pt. 4 (Forgiving & Accepting)
The fourth and final part in a series about what it was like to parent a child with trichotillomania (a hair-pulling disorder). This week is all about forgiving and accepting yourself for your trichotillomania.
Raising a Child with Trichotillomania - Conversations with My Mom, Pt. 3 (Treating Trichotillomania)
The third part in a series about what it was like to parent a child with trichotillomania. This week is all about treating trichotillomania - what worked and what didn't.
Raising a Child with Trichotillomania - Conversations with My Mom, Pt. 2 (Evolving Parenting Styles)
The second part in a series about what it was like to parent a child with trichotillomania. This week is all about lessons learned as a parent of a child with special needs, and how my mom's parenting styling has evolved over the years.
Raising a Child with Trichotillomania - Conversations with My Mom, Pt. 1 (The Initial Shock)
This is the first part in a series about raising a child with trichotillomania, a hair-pulling disorder. This video is all about first impressions to trichotillomania, and realizing your child has a mental illness.
“Will People Not Like Me If They Know I Pull Out My Hair?”
Growing up with trichotillomania, I was convinced that people would not like me if I told them about my hair-pulling disorder.
Your Guide to Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs)
Nail biting, skin picking, and hair pulling. What do they all have in common?
How To Tell Someone You Have Trichotillomania
How do you tell someone you pull out your hair? This week, I’m breaking down some tips that have helped me over the years share my trichotillomania with others.
My Love-Hate Relationship with Tweezers
Because I use my tweezers for more than just trichotillomania-related hair-pulling, my tweezers and I have developed somewhat of a love-hate relationship.
2019 Hair Trends for Alopecia and Trichotillomania
Don’t be afraid to cut your hair, layer it up, and even add some bangs and accessories. This week on the blog is all about the 2019 hair trends for my trichotillomania and alopecia friends.
The Only New Year's Resolution You Need
Many trichsters, myself included, use New Year’s resolutions, birthday wishes, and shooting stars as moments of hope to tell ourselves, “I’m going to stop pulling my hair out.”
Why I Shaved My Head
On January 22, 2018 I shaved my head. After two decades of fighting my hair-pulling disorder, trichotillomania, I was finally in the driver’s seat.
Why I’m Revisiting My Resolutions
It’s October. For those of us who use the New Year to set our intention for the changes we want to make in our lives, October can feel like a funny time…
How I Broke My Cycle of Negative Self-Talk
For years, I was in a cycle of negative self-talk. I wanted nothing more than to go cold turkey; I thought the only way I could be happy was to stop pulling out my hair…
Why You Need to Know About Madarosis
A few weeks ago, I went to the optometrist for my not-so-annual eye exam. It didn't take long into the eye exam for the doctor to notice I'm missing my upper lashes…
Stop Comparing Hair Loss
Growing up with trichotillomania, I had no idea so many women were unhappy with their hair. Call it naïveté or maybe even jealousy, but I couldn't imagine that women who didn't suffer from trich or alopecia had anything to complain about.
The Power of 15 Minutes of Hair Pulling
I was in New York last weekend packing up everything I’d left behind. I was on high alert for hair pulling going into the trip. I usually pull more every time I go home.